
Showing posts from September, 2024

Names of fingers of the hand in Kikuyu - Marîtwa ma ciara cia moko na Gîkûyû

Names of fingers in Kikuyu language.  Humans have five fingers on each hand. Every part of our body plays a crucial role in our daily lives and our fingers are no exception. In this article we will give you names of each finger in Kikuyu language and English language with illustration and how the names of the finger play a significant role in identifying and describing their functions. Finger names in Kikuyu - Marîtwa ma ciara cia moko na Gîkûyû Names of human fingers in English Finger names in English and Kikuyu

Marîtwa ma Mîtî ya Gîkûyû - Names of Trees in Kikuyu Language, English & Botanical (Scientific)

Marîtwa ma Mîtî ya Gîkûyû - Names of Trees in Kikuyu Language, English & Botanical (Scientific) Marîtwa ma Mîtî ya Gîkûyû Kikuyu name: Kaiyaba Common name: Kei apple Botanical name: Dovyalis caffra Kikuyu name: Mwathathia Common name: Abyssinian Bride's Bush Botanical name: Pavetta abyssinica Kikuyu name: M ûbaû/Mûringamu/Mûnyua maî Common name: Blue gum Botanical name: - a) Eucalyptus camaldulensis b)   Eucalyptus globulus c)    Eucalyptus Saligna Ihîndu, Kaiyaba, Kamîtî, Kariaria, Kîage, Kîmûanga, Kînoa, Kîrûrû, Kîthûri , Maguna ngui (fruit), Maigoya, Marûrû, Matindia arîithi, Mbirû (fruit), Mînoria, Morogorogo, Mûbage, Mûbariti, Mûbaû, Mûbeera, Mûbiribiri, Mûbirû, Mûbirû ng'ombe, Mûbura, Mûbuthî, Mûcakaranda, Mûcarage, Mûcemeki, Mûcagatha, Mûcatha. ____________________________________________________________________________ Mûcangire, Mûcerere, Mûcinda nûgû, Mûcingiri, Mûcogi, Mûcoruî, Mûcohi, Mûcuthi/Mûîkunya, Mûgaa, Mûgaita, Mûgongoni, Mûgû, Mûgû...